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Web Demos

Standard CutScene

shows some basic functions, Cam control, character animation integration, sound control, GUI dialog, Fade, etc

Replace Actors

shows the function of "Replacing Actor during Runtime" which is important for Prefab Actions and QTE.
Also the usage of timescale control and camera switch, etc.


shows the function of "QTE" which is common in action games.
Also you may note the usage of LoadLevel

Catch Ball

use trigger and selection dialog to lead the cutscene into different sub branches.

Killing Blow

Switch between normal game process and prefab actions, with blend-in / blend-out.


A simple and clean demo shows QTE usage.

PlayDemo 0

A 3rd-person play demo. Animations, prefab-actions, cutscenes mixed together, All sources included.

Dance Demo 0

A simple MMD-style music video demo to test the function of multi-mesh model editing.

Waiting 4 Godot

Shows basic cutscene functions, source included, also as warm-up of LudumDare in 2014/08

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